Tekken 3 [RIP]

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Tentang Game

Tekken 3 maintains the same core fighting system and

concept as its predecessors, but brings many

improvements, such as significantly more detailed graphics and animations, fifteen new characters added to the game's

roster, more modern music and faster and more fluid


Perhaps the most noticeable change from Tekken 2 fight system is movement reform - whereas the element of depth

had been largely insignificant in previous Tekken games

(aside from some characters having unique sidesteps and

dodging maneuvers), Tekken 3 added emphasis on the third

axis, allowing all characters to sidestep in or out of the

background by lightly pressing the arcade stick (or tapping the controller button in the console version) towards the

corresponding direction. Another big change in movement

was that jumping was toned down, no longer allowing

fighters to jump to extreme heights (as was present in

previous games), but keeping leaps to reasonable, realistic

heights. It made air combat more controllable, and put more use to sidestep dodges, as jumping no longer became a

universal dodge move that was flying above all of the

ground moves. Other than that, the improved engine allowed

for quick recoveries from knock-downs, more escapes

from tackles and stuns, better juggling (as many old moves

had changed parameters, allowing them to connect in combo-situations, where they wouldn't connect in previous

games) and extra newly created combo throws.



OS: Windows XP/Vista/7

CPU: 1 GHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon


RAM: 512 MB

HDD: 150 MB Free

Video Card: 32 MB

Sound Card: DirectX Compatible

DirectX: 9.0c

Keyboard & Mouse

8x DVD-ROM Drive



Password RAR : www.download.ir

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