Firefox 35 brings improved cross-browser video chat and better performance

Firefox Hello

Mozilla has just releasedversion 35 of its open-source desktop browser Firefox, with a host of performance improvements, fixes and an easier-to-use version of its free cross-browser video chat app, Firefox Hello.
Firefox Hello works across WebRTC-supported browsers including Google Chrome and Opera. To use it, simply click the Hello button on your toolbar (or right-click the toolbar, click Customize and add the button from there), hit ‘Start a conversation’ and then share the link with a contact to begin video chatting in your browser.
Firefox Hello doesn’t require users to sign up, but doing so allows you to add contacts and call them directly if they’re online.
Other improvements to Firefox include support for MP4 video on Mac OS X (Snow Leopard and newer), better dynamic styling, and a new button for an existing feature called Firefox Share, which allows users to share links via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Gmail and more from a single pop-up.
Mozilla is also testing new apps and games built with open Web technologies for Mac, Windows and Linux desktops. These apps are available in Firefox Marketplace Beta, and can be accessed via the Apps button (which you can add from the Customize menu for your toolbar).
Firefox Marketplace Firefox 35 brings improved cross browser video chat and better performance

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