Darkspore [FULL ISO]

Size : 4.7GB
Tentang Game
Darkspore is a video game that borrows creature editing technology from Spore. It is described as "a fast-paced, science fiction action-role-playing game in which the player battles across alien worlds to save the galaxy from the mutated forces of Darkspore".[5] In addition to the creature editor, the game features a unique squad-based
mechanic, various multiplayer options, and a player versus player arena. The game was released in North America on April 26, 2011 for Microsoft Windows, and in Europe on April 28, 2011. EA seemingly has removed the store page of Darkspore
from Steam, meaning any attempt to purchase it through Steam cannot be made. Those who have purchased it prior to the page's removal still have the game and can play it.



Operating system: XP, Vista, 7
Processor: 3.0 GHz P4 or Intel ® Core T 2 Duo 2GHz or faster
RAM: 1 GB 2 GB for Vista / 7
Free hard drive space: 10 gb of free space
Video card: Ati Radeon X1300 or GeForce 7600 (not less than 256 Mb!)
File system: NTFS


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Password RAR : www.download.ir

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