World of Tanks Blitz APK

Wargaming SEA has released popular action game World of Tanks Blitz for Android devices. After first launching on the App Store for iOS earlier this year, this game is now available to download on the Google Play Store for free.

World of Tanks Blitz

Based on the popular PC game, World of Tanks Blitz is a mobile MMO action game that let you show off your tactical precision and execution in action-packed 7vs7 tank battles. This game bring all the fun of the PC version in fun and easy to play portable version.

World of Tanks Blitz comes with cross-platform multiplayer support, so you can play with iOS friends without need to be left out of the fun and take part in the in-game chat without ever leaving the match.

All the tanks and realism of this game is top notch. The game has the exact same balancing stuff as the PC version. It has so many specifications like scope, free fire and more. Recommend this to all game users, it's also going HDTV which is best picture quality.

If you're an Avid Wargaming fanboy playing World of Tanks and World of Warplanes on PC, this is a nice game to now have the tanks in your hand when you can't be in front of the desktop. It's a replacement for your desktop PC with World of Tanks. For those with big thumbs, you may have to move slightly your snipe mode and fire buttons, but it works great! May not be the best on smartphone size devices, but decent. Larger screen devices preferred.

And for those who can't download World of Tanks Blitz on the Play Store you can pick APK file below. Have you played the game yet? What do you think? Let us know in the comments.

Requires Android: 2.3+
Download File: 45MB (World of Tanks Blitz APK)

World of Tanks Blitz APK
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