Wire become one of the best app to connect through people, it's a cool tool to communicate with family and friends. Different with WhatsApp Messenger, it doesn’t require your mobile number. Wire just needs an email address to set up an account and you’re good to go.
How do I add contacts to Wire? This app allow you search for people you know by using their name or email address, or give permission for the app to access your address book to see who else you know is using Wire.
It's a completely different experience to text using Wire. The idea behind Wire is great and at first glance, the app looks beautiful. The service is better than any of the other services. The call quality is simply amazing and better than most VoIP apps out there.
The app itself stands out from the rest, it's attractive. Wire is a fresh, smart and welcome evolution for communication apps. Breakthrough invention and killer to heavy messengers with quality. Initial thoughts are that Wire has the capacity to replace all other real time and near real time communication on your phone.
This slick looking app backed by Skype co-founder Janus Friis, and it was launched few days ago for Mac, iOS and Android devices. The update is live right now if you have the app installed and if you've been waiting to grab the latest Wire APK File, now is the time to do.
Requires Android: 4.2+
Download File: 7.9MB (Wire APK)
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