★ BusyBox X+ by BitCubate X is the Highest Rated with 4.5 stars, Fastest Growing with 4000+ Reviews, Quick & Pro BusyBox Installer made with L♥ve for Android/Android 5 Phones, Tablets and TV's out of the box ★
Busybox X+ busybox installer is extremely simple to use, compact and fast. Provides busybox builds for Android ARM, MIPS and Intel.
BusyBox brings many essential and standard Unix tools suitable for devices such your Android Phone or Tablet. Presence of busybox is a requirement for rooted devices. BusyBox has become an extremely important and popular tool for Android users who have a rooted device.
★ Root needed to install
★ Please press the install button after every Installer update
★ Copyrights
BusyBox binary: BusyBox is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 2.
★ Sources
BusyBox X+ Made possible with Stuff from these Awesome Sponsors:
★ Awesome SDR Hardware sponsored by nooelec - http://www.nooelec.com/store/ I recommend them for all your hardware hacking needs. Used for tempest and EMI test.