Dead Space 2[PC]Free download

run installation as admin in vista and 7run the game atleast once (as admin in vista and 7) so that game can create registry.
1. "Run" Type the text " regedit "
2.In registry(32 bit) go to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>> SOFTWARE >>EA Games >>Dead Space 2 change language to 'english' and locale to 'en'.
3.go to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>> SOFTWARE >>EA Games >>Dead Space 2-1.0 change languagename to 'english' and language to '0x00000013 (19)'.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>> SOFTWARE >>EA Games >>Dead Space 2-1.0 change languagename to 'english' and language to '0x00000013 (19)'.
4.(64 bit), go to -
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>> SOFTWARE>> Wow6432Node>> EA Games>> Dead Space 2 change the keys as above.
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HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>> SOFTWARE>> Wow6432Node>> EA Games>> Dead Space 2 change the keys as above.
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