SoundCloud 14.11.03-35 APK

SoundCloud for Android has just picked up an update. Head to the Google Play and you'll find the newest version of SoundCloud - Music & Audio with the new designs for empty pages and fixed bug. And as usual, if you can't download there you can pick .apk file here so you can transfer and install it as well on your Android phone and Tablet.


SoundCloud is a great app that you can use and listen to music and share with other people. The most efficient way to share sounds, also bridging the media to a social atmosphere. It's good for finding music or getting your own music out there for people to hear and share. If you like music, then you must download this app.

This fantastic application taps into the vast library offered by SoundCloud, to give you an unparalleled mobile music experience. It delivers good quality music from new and undiscovered artists. You can explore Trending Music and Trending Audio feeds. And with searching features you can also search directly for tracks, artists and other users.

Way better than using Youtube and has a way bigger range with much better audio quality. Its simple to use and you can get as creative as you like with your Soul Sessions. The days of downloading are over this awesome app will allow you to hear almost anything. It will let you get the music you want and when you leave it still will play.

SoundCloud is free, and there's a load of music what more could you want. You can use this app not only on your android but also on your iPad and desktop as well. The android version is quick and convenient, and playback is always good.

Here are the list what's new in SoundCloud on Android:
- Added new designs for empty pages
- Fixed issues occurring after sign up
- Fixed a progress reporting bug

Requires Android: Varies with device
Download File: 14.3MB (SoundCloud APK)

SoundCloud APK
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