The Sims 2 [FULL ISO]

Size : 2.4GB

Tentang Game

The Sims 2 is a 2004 strategic life simulation video game developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts. It is the sequel to the best-selling computer game, The Sims.The game has the same concept as its predecessor: players

control their Sims in various activities and form relationships in a

manner similar to real life. The Sims 2, like its predecessor, does not have a defined final goal; gameplay is open-ended. Sims have life goals, wants and fears, the fulfillment of which can produce

both positive or negative outcomes. All Sims age, and can live to

90 sim days depending on the degree to which their aspirations

are fulfilled. The Sims 2 builds on its predecessor by allowing Sims

to age through six stages of life and incorporating a 3D graphics engine. Although gameplay is not linear, storylines exist in the

game's pre-built neighborhoods. Pleasantview is based 25 years

after the town in the original The Sims. Strangetown's storyline is

based on the supernatural, and is loosely connected with

Pleasantview. Veronaville's characters are based on Shakespearean characters.



Windows 98/ME/2000/XP

800MHz Processor


8X CD-ROM Drive

3.5GB Hard Disk Space

32MB nVidia GeForce2 or ATi Radeon 7200 Class Video Card with Hardware T&L

DirectX compatible Sound Card

DirectX 9.0


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Crack + Serial

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