Need For Speed: Carbon Collector's Edition [FULL ISO]

Size : 4GB
Tentang Game
The gameplay is similar to Need For Speed Most Wanted based upon rival street racing crews. Players run a crew and can hire specific street
racers to be in their crew and the active friendly
racer is known as a wingman. Each hirable street
racer has two skills, one which is a racing skill
(scout, blocker, and drafter) and a non-race skill
(fixer, mechanic, and fabricator). Each skill has different properties from finding hidden alleys/
back streets (shortcuts) to reducing police
attention. Cars driven by the wingmen are also
different; blockers drive muscles, drafters
drive exotics and scouts drive tuners (although
the first two unlockable wingmen (Neville and Sal) drive cars according to the player's chosen car
class at the start of the game). In career mode,
players have to race tracks and win to conquer
territories and face off against bosses to
conquer districts. Also, sometimes the minor
crews (Black Hearts and Kings, who drive exotics, Inferno and Los Colibres, who drive
muscles, and Rotor 4 and Scorpios, who drive
tuners), might attack the player's owned races.
The player can then either accept the challenge,
and keep the race if they win it, or decline, in
which case, the minor crew will automatically take over the race.



Windows 2000 SP4/XP
1.7GHz Processor
8X DVD-ROM Drive
5.3GB Hard Disk Space
DirectX 9.0c 64MB ATi Radoen 8500 or nVidia GeForce4 Ti class Video Card
DirectX compatible
Sound Card


NFS Collection Serial

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