Doctor Who: Legacy 2.2 APK

Doctor Who Legacy

Tiny Rebel Games updates Doctor Who: Legacy android game with bug fixes and more character levels. The improvements in 2.2 are wonderful addition to the gameplay. Doctor Who: Legacy  is a gem-swapping game with a twist and lovingly created graphics. This game just gets better with every update. Just like the Tardis, this game really is bigger on the inside with the new additions to game play and levelling up. 

Doctor Who: Legacy is one of the best mobile game ever made. The story is fantastic, and the gameplay is really fun addicting and just hard enough to be a challenge but not too hard that you will give up and though your phone thorugh the time. If you're a doctor who fan then this is a must get game for your phone!

This is a highly accessible gem matching puzzle game that you can play on your android phone. Fun little match three game with a doctor who element. Simple and addictive gameplay, it's everything a gamer should expect of such a game.  Free, offline, no energy recharge system. Even if you don't know the show, this game is preferable to any similar puzzle game out there. It's just fantastic and its just awesome especially when you are a whovian. Overall a fun game - much like the many Bejeweled-like games. The way it works in Doctor Who characters works more than doesn't.

Requires Android: 4.0+
Download File: 11.8MB (Doctor Who Legacy APK)

Doctor Who: Legacy APK
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