Boom Beach 16.46 APK

Boom Beach

Boom Beach android app update with some improvement, now Supercell have fixed the bug to where you can play on the s3. Boom Beach is a great strategy game! From defending your own island to invading others! If you don't know how to strategize then it could be difficult for you.

Well, Boom Beach is a game built by the developers of Clash of Clans the very successful app for Android and IOS. While the gameplay in many aspects is based around the same objectives, the overall mechanics have been tweaked to provide an entirely new feeling. The game is still in its infancy which is quite evident when playing through. However, it does seem worthwhile. The graphics have also received a complete overhaul.

Not easy but challenging, you have to destroy as you build up your base! Lots of fun to play too! Some things could be explained more in the beginning but still easy to learn. If you play Clash of Clans throw away everything you know there, completely different strategy. The game is addictive, simple, yet extreme strategy. Better then Clash of Clans, war or raid system on this game is much much better. The best thing is if you attack someone you don't lose any troops if they don't die.

Previous versions of Boom Beach:

Requires Android: 4.0.3+
Download File: 47MB (Boom Beach APK)

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