Size : 6.5GB
Tentang Game
FIFA 12 (titled FIFA Soccer 12 in North America) is the 19th game in Electronic Arts' FIFA series of association football video games. It was developed by EA Canada, and published by Electronic Arts worldwide under the EA Sports label. It was released in September 2011, on
consoles for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii and PlayStation 2; on handhelds for PlayStation Portable, 3DS, Xperia Play and iOS; and on computers for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. A port of the game entitled FIFA Football (titled FIFA Soccer in North America) was released as a launch title for the PlayStation Vita. David Rutter, the line producer for FIFA 12,
promised "a revolutionary year for FIFA ... especially in the gameplay department."



OS: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, Windows
CPU: Dual core processor (Core duo 2 or
better): Intel Core2Duo @ 1.8Ghz on Windows
XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
RAM: 1 GB for Windows XP / 2 GB required for Windows Vista and Windows 7
Video: DirectX 9.0 Compatible 3D accelerated
256 MB video card or equivalent (must support
Shader Model 3.0 or above u see supported
chipsets bellow)
Sound: DirectXR 9.0c Compatible Sound Card



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