Dragon City 2.8.1 APK

Dragon City

Socialpoint updates Dragon City android app with new dragons, enjoy the new World Cup Island and fill it with dragons from the top teams. This game is so fun because you can breed dragon and can feed your dragon to max level. The game is great and is awesome for passing time, or just great if you love dragons. Train your dragons for battle and show off their strength by engaging in combat with other players. Play with your friends, send them gifts and visit their islands.

The updated dragon market is great. It now allows you to get the same amount of food as the Facebook version, and if you get a full turnout, it gives you a gem. Dragon City is by far the best dragon game! The amount of dragons, buildings, decor, and habitats is HUGE! And the fact that they come out with new dragons every week is fantastic! 

Enjoy a full experience playing on your Android phone or tablet, as well as on Facebook. You have to build a city with magical buildings that other players will envy. Battle online with thousands of players and display your dragons’ power. Now you have no excuse not to expand your Dragon Kingdom. Enjoy the new World Cup Island! Fill it with dragons from the top teams. Dragon City also features with new dragons and adventures are waiting for you every week. Unlimited fun with hundreds of missions! Don’t miss them!

Requires Android: 4.0+
Download File: 46MB (Dragon City APK)

Dragon City
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