Download Pc Games Sniper Ghost Warrior (FULL VERSION)


Sniper: Ghost Warrior is a tactical shooter video game developed and published by City Interactive for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

The game is based around the role of the military sniper, which the developer has noted that the public interest of which has increased thanks in large parts to shows on channels like the History Channel or the Military Channel. The game's objective is to insert players into the role of an elite sniper team sent into a hostile area in an attempt to help the rebels of Isla Trueno, a fictitious Latin American country, fight against the force who has toppled their government in a coup d'état.

Minimum System Requirements 

Operating System: Windows 2000/XP/VISTA/7/8
Processor: Pentium IV 3.0 GHz 
RAM: 1 GB 
Video Card: 256 MB VRAM, 
DirectX 9.0c or higher compatible, supporting hardware shader 
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c or higher compatible 
Hard Drive Space: 5.4 GB 

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