Download Need For Speed 3 Hot Pursuit

After need for speed 2 pc game they have release this in 1998 so now you can also download need for speed 3 free game for pc full version with setup plus exe online play here from this most genius blog ever.From this series they have introduce a police story means when you are running a car police will follow you if you will use some thing wrong on the roads.There are 2 types of the modes in  this product also here you can again use split screen as which was in the previous one.The graphics goes also improved this time again because with the passage of time and new generation every thing would going great so this time here 1152*864 pixels are here.While driving these cars you would feel that this is the real  and most greatest creature of that time.There are also many of the gaming fans requested me this in torrent but some of them say we need direct links so we decide to give you both of them.

System  Requirements:

Graphics card       32 mb
Ram                      128
Processor               800 mhz

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