Download Battlefield 4 Game Update 4 - Reloaded

Download Battlefield 4 Game Update 4 - Reloaded

Download Battlefield 4 Game Update 4 - Reloaded. Reloaded Team Telah merilis Update 4 terbaru untuk game Battlefield 4 dengan banyak tambahan-tambahan untuk menutup celeh-celah yang ada pada games battlefield 4.

  1. Fix for a crash that would cause the game to stall, resulting in a sound loop. This should eliminate most of the problems relating to this.
  2. Fix for the SUAV (introduced in the China Rising expansion pack) not exploding when hitting enemy soldiers. While these indeed should be deadly, they were never designed for roadkilling opponents.
  3. Fixed one of the issues related to the so-called Netcode (see below for details).
  4. Fix for an issue where 4x the damage from a vehicles minigun would be applied to the chest when a player had the Defense specialization equipped.
  5. Fix for player tags not always showing when needed to, resulting in players shooting team members.
  6. Fix for graphical flickering appearing on terrain.
  7. Fixed the instance where players suddenly would transition into Spectator Mode while playing the Defuse game mode.
  8. Fix for a Defuse bug where none of the teams would win a round by letting the timer run out.
  9. Fix for players getting stuck in the revive screen after being killed.
  10. Fix for players getting stuck in the kill camera after being revived.
  11. Fix for the game mode speci- Fic ribbons being counted twice in the multiplayer progression.
  12. Made NVidia 331.82 or later driver versions mandatory for all players.
  13. Disabled DirectX 11.1 on NVidia cards that have outdated drivers.
  14. Fixed driver version not being properly detected on NVidia Optimus systems.
  15. Fixed a minor crash that could occur when bringing up the scoreboard.
Free Download Update 4 For Battlefield 4 Games Reloaded

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