Size : 2.2GBTentang GameThe player assumes the role of Daryl Dixon, who
can either fight the walkers or stealthily sneak
past them. As he travels, he meets other
survivors, who can either help or leave. He will
have to be cautious of how much fuel, ammo and
food he has, and think very strategically of who and how many he chooses to take in to his group.
When he travels, he can either choose to take the
highway, and save fuel but break down a lot, or
take the small roads, where he will be able to
scavenge from small villages and chance of
breaking down is low. He can also change the vehicle he is using, ranging from a small truck to an
SUV. The vehicles use up fuel which you have to
watch over. When you run out of fuel, you must
stop at various roadsides to try and scavenge
jerry cans of fuel.

OS:Windows® XP SP3/Windows Vista®/
Windows® 7/ Windows® 8
Processor:Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 @ 2.00 GHz
or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ @ 2.0 GHz
processor or better
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:AMD Radeon HD 4670 512MB or Nvidia
Geforce 8800 GT 512MB or better
Hard Drive:9 GB HD space
Sound: DirectX® 9.0C or later
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The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct [REPACK] at my blog
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