Half-Life 2 v23 Apk+Data

As featured in TegraZone and with over 50 Game of the Year Awards and a the highest MetaCritic score of any PC game, Half-Life 2 is one of the most celebrated and best selling games of all time.
Winner of multiple Game of the Decade Awards, Half-Life 2 offers a startling level of realism and responsiveness, opening the door to a world where the player’s presence affects everything around him, from the physical environments to the behaviors – even the emotions – of both friends and enemies.
The player again picks up the crowbar of research scientist Gordon Freeman, who finds himself on an alien-infested Earth being picked to the bone, its resources depleted, its populace dwindling.

• Digital Actors: Experience the most sophisticated in-game characters ever witnessed.
• Advanced AI: Friends and foes assess threats and fashion weapons from what is at hand.
• Stunning Graphics: Incredibly realistic environments and special effects.
• Physical Gameplay: Objects obey the laws of gravity, friction, and buoyancy.


Requires Android : 4.0+

Play Link : Half-Life 2

Download Links : Armv7 Only
Zippyshare - Half-Life 2 v23 Apk


Instructions :
1.Install APK
2.Download Obb and Copy 'com.nvidia.valvesoftware.halflife2' folder to 'sdcard/Android/Obb/'
3.Launch the game

Screenshots :
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