Insurgency - Modern Infantry Combat [English] PC - Download

About the Game

Grab your rifle, join your team mates, and enter the fight. Take to the modern battlefield and engage in intense, realistic battles. Choose your side between a highly organized conventional army or the partisan insurgents. Teamwork, tactics, bravery and discipline are the keys to your success in a deadly and treacherous modern war environment.
INSURGENCY: Modern Infantry Combat represents the modern battlefield on the individual and tactical levels. Only the best players will become commanders and get the chance to lead its entire team towards victory. This is a game where real-world squad and guerrilla tactics are necessary to stay alive and repel the enemy, and is geared towards clans and organized teams of players.

System Requirements

Minimum: 1.7 GHz Processor, 512MB RAM, DirectX® 8.1 level Graphics Card (Requires support for SSE), Windows® 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista/XP, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection


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