Last Half of Darkness Society of the Serpent Moon

You receive a strange package with a booklet and mysterious disk! The return address on the package reveals it came from Antibes… where only a few days earlier your fiance was sent to write and investigate a story on a series of vampire-like crimes that have plagued the dark streets and alleys of the tiny European town.
Your journey follows the path of clues left behind by your missing girlfriend, where along the way you will have to solve an ancient mystery and the source of evil causing the local townsfolk to turn into a rare breed of savage night-thirsty ….. Your plane leaves tonight… Are you ready to once again uncover the secrets behind another chapter of the last half of darkness?

System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP/Vista/Win7
CPU: 2 GHz
(Duo Core 2 or Faster Recommended)
DirectX: 9.0
Hard Drive: 3.6 GB

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