Day of Madness v1.0.3 Apk+Data

Enter the awesome story-driven dual stick shooter and let the madness begin! ☠
It was supposed to be just another, boring day. But the evil never sleeps and in the form of a little girl, once again, dark forces will try to take over the world! Now it is your turn to step into action and seize the day... Day of Madness!
Reload your guns, buckle your ammo belts and start blowing away evil creatures standing in your way in this packed with insane action twin-stick shooter!
Day of Madness is a huge game.
☠ 16 massive levels in the main campaign
☠ 9 huge additional levels in the unlockable Call of Minions campaign
☠ 6 tough challenge maps
A variety of deadly weapons like shotgun, flamethrower and more will give the endless pleasure of shattering your enemies during
your adventure in Day of Madness.
Over 30 types of enemies will stand in your way in the Day of Madness. Giant pumpkins, zombies, scarecrows and many more won't make it easy for you to complete your quest.
☠ Magnificent 3D visuals
☠ Outstanding voice acting
☠ Awesome story
☠ Addictive mini-games
Day of Madness has everything you are looking for in a great action shooter!
Requires Android : 2.3+
Play Link : Day of Madness

Download Links : Armv7 Only


Instructions :
1.Install Apk
2.Copy data to SDcard/Android/Obb/"here"
3.Launch the game ..

Screenshots :
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