Karena itulah Maharantau Dwelling ingin memberikan aplikasi browser ini secara cuma-cuma kepada pengunjung setia Blog ini.
Uc Browser ini mendapat penghargaan sebagai best mobile browser 2011 dan 2012. Tidak hanya itu Browser ini paling sering didownload di India dan memiliki 400 Juta Lebih pengguna worldwide.
Berikut fiturnya:
- Preload Pages: Save time by having next page pre-loaded with intelligent analysis.
- Background Downloading: Keep your downloads active even after exiting the browser.
- Improved Auto-Fill: Enter the first letter of certain URLs or search terms and have them auto-filled by smart technology.
- Enhanced Security: Reduce the risk of revealing your account and password with enhanced security measures to protect you from malicious webpages.
- Memory optimization: Increase stability and minimize crash rate for low RAM phones.
Somethings new in UC Browser for Android 9.3.1 Apk:
- Open Wifi Notification - Receive notification when accessing an Open Wifi connection.
- Loading Speed Optimization - Optimize loading speed of webpages.
- Network Issue Processing Optimization - Push notification and help you to fix issues when network is shut down or Airplane Mode is on.
"You may be using Chrome or Firefox as your PC browser. However, for your Android devices, UC Browser is the best choice."
Kunjungi :
Know more about UC Browser: http://www.ucweb.com
Also check out our mini version for phones: http://goo.gl/RnPYB
Follow us on :
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ucmob
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/UCBrowser
Subscribe on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ucwebvideo
Contact us: help@ucweb.com
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