The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Released: 2013
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer: 2K Games
Publisher: 2K Marin
Publication Type: RePack
Platform: PC
Language: English / Russian
Language voice: Russian / English

Operating system: Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo processor with a clock speed of 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon X2 processor with a clock frequency of 2.7 GHz
Video Card: NVIDIA Geforce 8800GTS / ATI Radeon HD 3870 or better
Sound Card: DirectX compatible with
Hard disk space: 10 GB

1962. Height of the Cold War. The United States faced a potential equal to the world has ever known. To counter it created the Office - a secret organization whose purpose is not just to cope with the enemy, but also to conceal its existence, to prevent panic. In the role of Special Agent William Carter, players will lead a squad and to stand up for humanity.

Join the battle with the enemy unthinkable in the streets of the 60's - prevent the threat hanging over humanity.
Coordinate the security operation in the role of a professional agent William Carter - Develop plans, arrange ambushes designed surrounds and neutralize the enemy.
Think over strategy in order to realize all the advantages.
Use the Battle Focus - slowing down time, you will be able to count every step, control and detachment of the best use of available tactical possibilities.
Each bug has its price. Cherish the brothers-in-arms - dead members of the squad will not return to duty.
Pay slips enemy to their advantage. Give orders "on the fly", instantly reacting to what is happening - it affects, beating you an enemy to save the life of his partner.
Train team members - choose for each unique specialization, choosing precisely those skills that suit your style of play.

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