Game Dev Tycoon

No need for serials and cracks to get the full version, (already done it for you).
No unnecessary registry changes.
No boring installation of tool-bars in your browser or other unwanted things.
You can even run this torrent from an USB-Stick.
Easy Uninstall with the Windows control panel.
Choose where you want to put the files on your PC.
These are a few things that makes a '2-click run' version a better version.

If everybody seeds, you will get higher downloading speeds.

v1.4.3 31 Aug. 2013
- Changed: Adjusted audience rating for later consoles.
- Changed: Steam achievements should now trigger correctly.
- Fixed: Steam overlay is often unresponsive.
- Fixed: Changing focus to 'player' text box by using Tab and then typing capital letter would incorrectly trigger Steam overlay.
- Fixed: In rare cases the Develop New Game button is missing after publishing a game.
- Fixed: Retire date of later consoles were incorrect.
- Fixed: Misc. typos.

Installation instructions:
1. Execute the Game Dev Tycoon 1.4.3 (2-click run).exe file.
2. Click next.
3. Enjoy the program.

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