Final Fantasy III -- now on Android!

First released in 1990, Final Fantasy III was the first title in the FinalcFantasy series to become a million-seller, establishing once and for all that Square Enix's classic RPG saga was here to stay.

The full 3D remake released in 2006 duplicated the original's success,selling over a million copies worldwide.Final Fantasy III was a hallmark of innovation for the entire series, from the job system that lets characters change classes at any time to the ability to summon powerful creatures such as Shiva and Bahamut.When darkness falls and the land is robbed of light, four youths are chosen by the crystals to set forth on a journey to save the world.
Game Features
- New and improved 3D visuals and story sequences only for Android
- Smooth, intuitive touch-panel controls specifically tailored to Square Enix's smartphone RPGs
- Quicker browsing through the monster bestiary and other game records
- New visual designs for the Job Mastery Cards

Requires Android : 2.2+

Play Links : Final Fantasy III

Download Links : Armv6 - Armv7
Filesear - FINAL FANTASY III v1.0.7 Apk

Filesear - FINAL FANTASY III v1.0.7 Apk

Titanium Backup (Need Root)
ApkLoft - Titanium Backup Pro
Mediafire- Titanium Backup Files

Lucky Patcher(Need Root)
AplLoft - Lucky Patcher Apk

Instructions :
1.Download and Install Apk,Titanium Backup Pro and Lucky Patcher.
2.Copy 'com.square_enix.android_googleplay.FFIII_GP' folder to Sdcard/Android/Obb/"here"
3.Copy Titanium Backup Files in sdcard/Titaniumbackup/"here"
4.Open Titanium Backup Pro~>Backup/Restore~>Search for FF3~>Restore Data Only
5.Open Lucky Patcher then press and Hold on FF3 to Open menu of Patches then Select Remove Licence Verification~>Auto Mode
6.Open Game and Enjoy!!

Screenshots :

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