Armed and Dangerous-DEViANCE (1.5 GB or 1.3 GB)

CPU: Pentium III or AMD Athlon 1GHz Processor
RAM: 256 MB
Video Card: 32 MB
Hard Disk Space: 4.5 GB

Game Notes:
Take a band of gun-toting rebels -a robot, a madman, a mole and a criminal
mastermind. Put them in a vividly stunning fantasy realm. Then give them
an impossible mission - pulling off the biggest heist of all time in the
middle of a war. All you have to do is battle your way through dastardly
enemies, giant war machines and an army of psychopathic robots. But don't
worry; you have plenty of ammo and absolutely no common sense. Victory is
yours in 12,000 bullets or less!

* Fight your way through 21 action-packed missions.
* Brandish over 17 outlandish weapons like the Cyclops Sniper Rifle, the
   Vindaloo Rocket Launcher, or the Topsy-Turvy and Sticky bomb.
* Explore five diverse environments including icy and snowy regions,
   mountains with breathtaking vistas, deep and foreboding woods, and
   rain-spattered cliffs.
* Take down wicked enemies like half-man, half-animal Grunts, eliminator
   droids, wall-smashing Goliaths, evil monks and wild twiglets.
* Navigate through a richly entertaining story with two smack-talkin'
   partners in crime.
Install Notes:
1. Burn the .bin and .cue.
2. Install the game.
3. Overwrite game .exe with the one
    from the \DEViANCE dir on CD1.
4. And then play.

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