Penny Arcades On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness 4

Description: Penny Arcade’s “On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4” concludes the saga of Tycho Brahe, Scion of The Long Project, and his almost certainly human partner Jonathan Gabriel. The world has been destroyed, but existence extends beyond this mortal plane in the gruesome Underhell! The new game expands considerably on its predecessor in size, scope and gameplay. Create the ultimate fighting force by recruiting bizarre, occasionally disgusting monsters and teaming them up with the best trainer for the job!


Old-School RPG style mixed with modern design sensibilities!
Bizarre and humorous story written by Penny Arcade & Zeboyd Games!
Over twice as many area maps as the previous game!
Explore the Underhell world (in all its traditional RPG glory) and discover its many secrets.
No random battles!
Music created by Hyperduck Soundworks (Dust: An Elysian Tail, Mojang’s Scrolls)!
Recruit bizarre & powerful monsters like a sentient vending machine, an evil ice cream cone, a bug-crow… thing, and more!
Disrupt enemy attacks with powerful interrupt abilities!
Rechargeable MP & items! Unleash your full power in every battle!

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