After graduating college, you decide to open your own sushi restaurant rather than get a corporate job, much to your parents' dismay. Keep your customers happy by preparing their orders with the right ingredients as quickly as possible. In addition to sushi, customers can also order drinks, sauces, and desserts which, if you can keep up, will guarantee happy customers and big tips! In addition, you also must deal with several pests which can annoy your valuable customers.
With the money you earn you can buy upgrades for your restaurant. Not only will these improve the appearance of your restaurant, they also have benefits such as increasing customer patience and improving their tips! And, if you really put your mind to it, you can earn enough money to buy new restaurants including a Beach Restaurant, Roof-Top Restaurant, and Ice Castle Restaurant. In the end, will you succeed and make your parents proud?
System Requirements
To play Sushi Frenzy you will need:
Operating System: Windows XP or better.
Processor Speed: 800MHz or better.
System RAM: 256 MB or more.
Video RAM: 16 MB or more.
Hard Drive: 20 MB free hard drive space or more.
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