Counter-Strike 1.6 Full V32 DiGiTAL ZONE

Counter-Strike 1.6 V32 digital zone is alose a good version of Counter strike 1.6 .
Play the world's numer 1 online multiplayer action game . Enagae in incredibily realistic brand of terrorist warfare in this wildly popular team-base game All with teamlates to complete strategic missions . Take out enemy sites , Rescue hostages Your role effects your teams' success . your team success affects your role .

Features :

- Release 16.08.2009
- Newest Non-steam version .
- Protocol 48
- Playable on LAN and Internet .
- Complatable with sXe injected .
- Cd key not required .
- No more invalid CD keys errors .
- Latest revEmu (v9.78 RC2)
- Working on deducated servers ( Steam Non-steam can join .
- Nice installer .
- Autoupdater never have to worry about updates again

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