Minecraft 12w04a + Server + NickChange


Minecraft is a sandbox-building[2][3] independent video game written in Java originally by Swedish creator Markus "Notch" Persson and now by his company, Mojang.
Minecraft is focused on creativity and building, allowing players to build constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D world. Gameplay in its commercial release has two principal modes: Survival, which requires players to acquire resources themselves and maintain their health and
hunger; and Creative, where the player has an unlimited supply of resources, the ability to fly, and no concept of health or hunger. A third gameplay mode, named Hardcore, is essentially the same as Survival, but the difficulty is locked on the hardest setting and respawning is disabled, forcing the player to delete his or her world upon death. An outdated Classic version is also available for free, although it is no longer being developed. Creative Minecraft resembles Classic, but with many more features.

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Problems and solutions 

When I try to run MinecraftSP.exe othing happen or I have an error. 

SOL... You have to try few times before it will open.


Changelog - Minecraft Alpha - Beta 



How to play in SinglePlayer: 

1. Open "run" on your start, or search run, and open it. 
2. type in the box 

3. you should be in the folder "Roaming" 
place .minecraft straight into the folder. (one folder before the whole minecraft files) E.G .minecraft->.minecraft->(all of the files) 
you would choose the 2nd folder. 
4. Run MinecraftSP.exe and type your username 
5. Play offline 
6. Playing singeplayer 
Enjoy =) 


How to play in MultiPlayer on cracked servers?: 

Guide by LukaszDanio
1. Open .minecraft folder [in appdata/romaning (you can click on START and type in search box %appdata%)]
2. Run MinecraftSP.exe
3. Type your nickname and press OK.
4. After that go to Multiplayer.
5. Ask your friend or somebody else who create server about his/her IP.
6. Type or paste his/her IP in Multiplayer.
7. Play with them Very Happy.
Enjoy =)

If you can't connect host must check a few things.
- Has he/she unlocked port 25565?
- Has he/she turn off firewall in windows?
- Has he/she turn off firewall in antyvirus?
- Has he/she external IP?

If host has something working from this list you will not be able to connect to server 


How to create your own server with external IP: 

Your friends will have to run game by MinecraftSP.exe 

1) Go to minecraft_server folder and run minecraft_server.bat (YES .BAT) 
2) It after it is finished close it. 
3) there should be a server.properties file. 
4) Open it with notepad 
5) there should be something like "online-mode=true" change it to false 
6) if there isnt put online-mode=false 
7) to get people to join you go on whatismyip.com and get your ip. 
(if you have blocked port 25565 
8) connect to your modem by typing in the web adress and then port foward 25565. 
9) tell your friends to connect to you using the ip you got from whatsmyip.com 
10) when you want to connect to your server: run game go on Multiplayer and type localhost 

Enjoy playing multiplayer with friends. 


Minecraft 12w04a 

Minecraft 12w03a 

Minecraft 1.1 

Minecraft 12w01a 

Minecraft 11w49a 

Minecraft 11w48a 

Minecraft 11w47a 

Minecraft 1.0 

Minecraft RC2 



If the game is not working you should try to instal the latest java 




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