Windows 7 Themes- Android Skin Packs 2012 X86-X64 bit

Android Icecream Sandwich Skin Pack 3.0-X86 X64

Transform Windows 7 To Android Icecream Sandwich

Windows 7 , Windows 7 SP1 - [X86 (32Bit) x64bit] - [All Language] - [All Version]
For windows 7 starter and home basic first need to patch and Unlock Aero effect from here >> [link]

(Its a 7z archive file and you'll need 7-Zip software to extract the EXE file from it.

PS: To uninstall the patch, run the EXE file again.)

Note : Skin Packs installer have easy and safe install option , Please unistall old or other version of skin packs before install new version. Before install close all runnig program , after finish restart your system.

Android Icecream Sandwich Skin Pack 3.0-X86
Android Icecream Sandwich Skin Pack 3.0-X64

Android Honeycomb Skin Pack 2.0-X86 x64

Android Honeycomb Skin Pack 2.0-X86
Android Honeycomb Skin Pack 2.0-X64
Android Gingerbread Skin Pack 1.0-X86 X64

Android Gingerbread Skin Pack 1.0-X86
Android Gingerbread Skin Pack 1.0-X64

For installation instructions read this: Click Here!

For Uxtheme patcher Click Here

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