Hence, they can change their own body weight mass (such as enlarged or shrunk), or some other things like merge into one with the other robots. The most famous Transformers motto is: More Than Meets the Eye and the Robots in Disguise.
All series and franchise Transformers which there is now a sequel based on the original version of 1984 is adjusted with the times.
Transformers is the biggest story is the Transformers: Generation 1, which is displayed in the form of TV series and written by Marvel comics, with two other versions in Japanese and English. Sequel is the Transformers: Generation 2 and Beast Wars. Then in early 2000 appeared several other series and the Robots in Disguise Unicron Trilogy.
In addition, live-action film also appeared in 2007 and the subsequent sequel titled Revenge of the Fallen in 2009. Until now, the latest series of the Transformers Animated series The is made by Cartoon Network.
Generation 1 (G1) is the series premiere of Transformers, released in 1984. Actually, the original base is a series of Transformers toys of Japan in the 1970s, Microman and Diaclone, where the toys, which are described in the form of a robot can turn into things like cars, tools, and animals.
Hasbro then managed to buy the patents from Diaclone Toys, and then sell some of its patent rights to Takara of Japan. Previously Jim Shotter and Dennis O'Neil fired from Hasbro, but they are credited with creating berdualah robots Autobots, Optimus Prime. After that several other Transformers robot characters created by Bob Budiansky.
The main concept of the G1 is the eternal struggle between the Autobots leader Optimus Prime fight the Decepticons leader Megatron. Where when they fought in space, their plane (The Ark and The Nemesis) interested in the Earth's gravity, and eventually landed on Earth pre-historic times, before finally the Transformers are revived in 1984.
Transformers TV series was first created in 1984 produced by Sunbow Productions, the story took a different path from the work of Bob Budiansky. Most of the story takes from Marvel comics. Ddalam this version, the difference between the TV series with a comic is: Shockwave loyal to Megatron on TV, [6] while in the comics he was the leader of the Decepticons. Others, Dinobots are Autobots sub-group, while in the comics they are independent.
Turned Decepticons Autobots (Jetfire aka Skyfire), which can Constructicons merge into Devastator, and the giant Omega Supreme. In Marvel comics, Optimus Prime was created from the Creation Matrix, but funny in the TV series season two, which mencitpakan Optimus Prime is Alpha Trion by wearing super computer Vector Sigma.
In the 1986 Transformers movie premiere theater called The Transformers: The Movie was released. With the way the story in 2005. In this film, Optimus Prime's Matrix to Ultra Magnus changing hands because Optimus died. Furthermore, the planet eater, Unicron uses his powers to help Megatron and turn it into Galvatron, Rodimus Prime appears and then, using the Matrix legacy of Optimus Prime. He then destroys Unicron.
In the third season of The Movie based, Quintessons emerged as the creator of all the Transformers on Cybertron that they refer to as pabrik.Quintessons robotic creatures do not actually want them to have intellect, and for some reason, the robots creation Quintessons eventually have feelings and strength. Those who are now familiar with the Autobots and Decepticons. At the end of the third season, Optimus Prime managed to rise from the dead and become the leader of the Autobots return.
But in Japan, with pebedaan culture and also the storyline, the U.S. version was not released officially, and they then make a few more Transformers series, such as The Headmasters, Super-God Masterforce, Victory, and Zone. Even so in the U.S., Marvel's version continued in comic book form, with Grimlock explores who became leader of the Autobots after Optimus Prime and Megatron killed.
While in the UK version, the story appear to be different from the U.S. and Japan. In the UK, Primus became the creator of all the Transformers, and became a perennial rival of Unicron. Another difference is, in the U.S. version of the comic reached 80 editions were published, while in the UK reached 332 editions.
This version is an advanced version of the G1. Was first released in 1993 with a number of comic books achieve the 12 editions. While in the UK version, there are five editions. The story is presented is a aseksuali Transformers, and then stopped by Primus. Subsequently, a colony, either Autobots or Decepticons, appeared and became the main storyline G2 comic, long before the battle between Optimus Prime against Megatron.
Contradiction with the version of the G1, at the 1996 TV series, Beast Wars, the two groups appeared long before the advent of Autobots and Decepticons. They are a group of heroic Maximals (led Optimus Primal) and Predacons (Megatron leader). 300 years after the great war, these two groups with an emergency landing on a planet like Earth, but with two natural satellites and energon with a high level. Alternative form of robot-robot also wears animal shapes.
Referring to Bob Forward and Larry DiTillio, after they learn the G1, they then want to create a story using the elements of the Transformers series of ancient history. And so that's, Beast Wars, including the G1, which appeared in the cartoon and Marvel comics. At the end of season one, one natural satellite of Earth-like planet is destroyed.
As a result of the destruction of the second satellite, is a mysterious energy that appears in some of the characters transmetal, and the planet then called a prehistoric Earth. This brings us to The Ark and The Nemesis where Megatron planned to kill Optimus Prime. Namum at the end of the third season, Primal led the team to look for spark. In two early season, Cybertron was a planet organic, with a plan to destroy Megatron.
However, the differences re-emerged in Japan, when the Canadian version of the Transformers series (Beast Wars was not made from the United States), only comes with 13 episodes, they feel too short, and too long to wait for new ones, while they wait for the version ultimately Canada, they then create two exclusive Japanese TV series, now we are familiar with the name of Beast Wars II and Beast Wars Neo, to fill time slots Canadian imports to Japan.
Transformers: Universe
This is the first Transformers series imported from Japan for the U.S. region, with the number of episode 39. While the comic version, the U.S. still has a major role as a parent creator Transformers. Robots in Disguise are imported from Japan to the U.S. in 2001. In this story, Megatron creates the Decepticons as a sub-group of Predacons, with a story that was mentioned person is a continuation of Beast Wars / Machines. Furthermore, some characters from the Robots in Disguise featured in Transformers: Universe, such as Optimus Prime, Side Burn and Prowl.
Three new series, which was then known as Unicron Trilogy by one of the creators of Transformers, Aaron Archer. All three series are, Armada, Energon, and Cybertron. The series is a series of joint production of Hasbro (USA) and Takara (Japan), and therefore, this serial was released simultaneously in both countries.
Fleet tells of the Autobots and Decepticons find the Mini-Cons on Earth, with some of them are weapons of Unicron. Energon is set 10 years later, with the Autobots to stop the Decepticons from the resurrection of Unicron with energon.
Again, differences emerged in Japan, when Transformers: Cybertron appears different from the U.S. version. This led to a fundamental difference when Hasbro sold Cybertron series as a continuation of the Armada and Energon. Some of the plot is replaced by the Japanese, but the point remains the same, continuing the story around Unicron.
One question may arise in our heads, why on call Unicron Trilogy? Because in all three series is almost entirely told about Unicron. Even with not incorporate elements of the story in G1, Unicron is a main character who lunge crimes similar to those in G1, as the planet eater and destroyer of the planet.
If the version is dominated by Marvel G1 comics, then the version of this series, Dreamwave Productions Transformers comic became the official publisher. Fleet First is made in the 18 series, with different story with the TV series version. Then start the 19th edition of the Dreamwave Energon call. Unfortunately Dreamwave bankruptcy trigger, to the extent that stories are made less than 30 editions. But some fans refer to the last editions of the Dreamwave comics as the era of Transformers: Cybertron.
Transformers Movie Franchise
Transformers movie version of the real (not cartoons) directed by Michael Bay. While the story created by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. The main focus of this film's story is a Cybertron that caused the war between Autobots and Decepticons, which in this film that it is the AllSpark.
This film tells the AllSpark as a cube that has great energy and in creating the life of mechanical objects. In the civil war on Cybertron, AllSpark inadvertently sent to Earth, and then discovered by the U.S. government. Then the Hoover Dam was built as a super-secret as research from the government.
AllSpark Megatron actually caught up to the Earth, but he fell and suffered an accident in the Arctic and then frozen Arctic temperatures as a result of the Earth's north pole. A few years later he was found, and stored in the same place with the AllSpark. Then also following the Autobots to Earth and find the AllSpark. The film went on to describe the destruction of the AllSpark, and can no longer cause the Autobots return to Cybertron and they agreed to make the Earth as their new home.
In the comic version, to support the film's story IDW Publishing published Transformers: Movie prequel. In this comic Optimus Prime call Megatron as a brother, who then explained further that the Optimus and Megatron is the leader with Cybertron before Megatron's behavior changed. Optimus then send the AllSpark to Earth, and plans to destroy Megatron.
In addition to the comic, there are also novel Transformers: Ghosts of Yesterday, where Starscream is very jealous and hate to Megatron, and he looked around for where Megatron away. Once can not be found, he immediately claimed himself as the leader of the Decepticons, and explained to us the words in the film by Megatron: "You failed me yet again, Starscream." (Indonesian language meaning: "You disappoint me once again, Starscream!"). Blackout loyal to Megatron depicted in this film, with his words: "All hail Megatron!" But this novel are many contradictions in the film when the body is frozen Megatron was moved into the Hoover Dam in 1969, while in the movie mentioned Megatron transported to the Hoover Dam in the 1930s.
Furthermore, in Revenge of the Fallen, Megatron Constructicons again raised by the group, where he also must submit to The Fallen as the supreme leader of the Decepticons. From the Autobots, Optimus Prime was killed by Megatron, and reminds us of the story in G1, then by using the Matrix and part of the body of Jetfire, Optimus regain its footing. Stories in Revenge of the Fallen is an amalgamation of Transformers G1, Transformers: Unicron Trilogy, and partly from the Transformers: Animated based from the novel IDW, Michael Bay is planning to develop the Transformers movie franchise as much as possible, even if you could be like James Bond or Harry Potter.
Transformer Award
Optimus Prime as the main icon of the Autobots Transformers, is the only leader who many be fictional idol of the leaders of the countries in the world. One reason was the rigor and dedication to the Autobots. So once in one episode of Transformers G1, Rodimus Prime said: It's hard for us all to keep up Optimus Prime in terms of leadership.
As a form of homage to Optimus Prime, Optimus Prime statue 12 meters tall, was found in Yunnan Province, China, precisely in the city of Kunming. Transformers has entered into China since 1990, and became there favorite TV shows. The statue was created to remind the younger generation of China so that later show up as a leader with high dedication as Optimus Prime.
Meanwhile, Megatron is the main villain in the Transformers (the Decepticons), has been named as one of the world's most legendary dictators. In Wizard magazine, the position of Megatron is in position 68 of the 100's legendary dictator of the world (both from the real world, as well as from the world of fiction). In addition to Megatron, one of the other Transformers character Blurr ie, made history by logging in as number one in Forbes magazine. This happened after the magazine named Blurr as Fictional fastest car in 2008 with a speed of 800mph.
One of the most debated controversies in Transformers is a matter of copyright character. Unlike the original Pokemon that almost all of Japan and then be given its Classic version, in both the Japanese version of Transformers (Takara) and the version of the United States (Hasbro) in general is a stand-alone and does not work in general.
And even that's a problem because, often confusion among fans of Transformers toys Transformers if you see the Japanese version and U.S. version. Although the sale of the same name, for example, but the color scheme and descriptions are always different. Until this very day, the Japanese version of Transformers and Transformers U.S. version has not been able to unite opinion in general.
In Sydney, Australia, Megatron toy was disweeping by authorities because of Megatron as a Walther P38 replica gun can be changed by a real gun owners become dangerous. As a result all the toys miniature Megatron in Australia must have a police permit if you buy toys toy stores.
Then at some airports in the United States, the tourists who buy toys Megatron in gun form must be disappointed after a souvenir they were confiscated by airport police, again because of Megatron as a gun that is believed to be used for a real firearm. After seeing this, the Hasbro then create another model of the Transformers toys. Megatron then appears in the form of toys M1A1 Abrams tanks. Besides of course Cybertronian jet form in the 2007 film Transformers.
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