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Midtown Madness 1 requires powerful hardware to look their best, and even in his prime, does not look as good as could be and often suffers from frame rate plummet. With all its options on the vehicles look nice and shiny, though sometimes a little too flat. Damaged when they are with things, although this effect is not entirely convincing. Other details really stand out, like bright lights and traffic in different weather conditions and the time you manage to evoke a particular beauty of the city through its great variety. But while it is good to see Chicago landmarks and smaller streets so carefully modeled, which is a shame that most of the shops in the game are generic and often repeated, even in the same block. Thus, Midtown Madness approaches, but does not reach in reality, that level of realism and meticulous detail that necessarily driving games should strive for.
However, it is fun to be able to drive like crazy and hitting a beetle races, while the city police. If you feel that there is some social background, to the detriment of rap to offer than this game is the freedom to drive as you want, then by all means keep off the road. However, Midtown Madness is not presented as a kind of perfectly realistic simulation: Pedestrians deftly diving out of the way of traffic, cars are beaten and sent into the air safely return to their routines, and mailboxes and parking meters that are started in time regenerate in its proper place. Midtown Madness lets you safely out of control, because you know you can not in real life.
Minimum system requirements:
- 350MHz processor
- 64MB RAM
- 8MB video card
Screen shoots
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