Blood 2 the chosen


Blood II the chosen is excellent in many respects. Most of the weapons look and sound good, with the most significant example is the shot weapon that looks menacing and sounds even enemmän.Haupitsi It should be noted, when the weapon looks bland, even if it sounds good. There is a small end of the spectrum is Die Bug Die, a powerful insect repellent that looks and sounds like it would be one of powerful weapons. There are a variety of weapons, and because you can only hold ten-times, you sometimes have to remove some of them. It's a nice feature, and one that allows you to tailor your arsenal to your liking. 

Animations are another highlight in Blood II. Enemies move smoothly and look good. They die in different ways, and you will no doubt hit the first time you see people writhing on the ground after a severe intestinal ulcers. On the downside, Blood II's artificial intelligence leaves something to be desired. Enemies generally do not attack until you come directly to their line of sight, and sometimes does not respond when hyökätään. AIl is better than the first version of Shogo: Mobile Armor Division, Monolith other LithTech-based shooter, but it is still nowhere near the level of Half-Life's a credible enemy behavior.

Minimum system requirements:
  • 450MHz processor
  • 64MB RAM
  • 8MB video card
Screen shoots

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