Download The Adventures of Tintin Secret of the Unicorn | Mediafire Links

In The Adventures of  Tintin:  The  Game,  play  as  Tintin,  the  intrepid
reporter and hero of the  action-packed  movie  The  Adventures  of  Tintin
directed by Steven Spielberg. Developed in  close  collaboration  with  the
filmmaking team, the video game offers  an  authentic  immersion  into  the 
movie's enchanting environments and characters.

Players will experience non-stop action and adventure as  they  investigate
the mystery of a lifetime that may lead them to one of the greatest  sunken
treasures. But the quest won't be  easy  and  players  will  need  to  join
forces with the quick-witted dog Snowy and the grumpy  Captain  Haddock  to
beat greedy art collectors, kooky arms dealers, and other crooks to  reveal
the truth behind the Secret of the Unicorn ship.

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