Dungeon Siege 3 for PC SKIDROW Update 1 Free Download

Dungeon Siege III Update 1 info:
-    Keybinding has now been implemented into Dungeon Siege III
-    Added two new controls that will allow the players to move left or right. This is included on the keybinding screen.

-    Fixes an issue where the gamepad would default to on, even if you have no gamepad plugged in.
-    Fixed an issue in Multiplayer where if either the host or the client is using a gamepad and are playing with someone who is using the mouse/keyboard, the host hangs when switching to the ending cutscene.
-    Fixed an issue with certain graphic cards where it would occasionally display large black pixels in the middle of the screen.
-    Fixed a potential crash when players try to reconnect after disconnecting during a conversation.
-    We've implemented a fix that will revert the A/D reversed issue for people that are still reporting this issue.
-    Fixed a potential crash when players would join a Multiplayer game in a certain order.

Free download on link below:
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