Mount and Blade With Fire and Sword 1.141 for PC SKIDROW Crack free download

Fixes and Changes:
General Gameplay:
- Firearms have been rebalanced.
- Firearms have been given refined melee animations.
- All Melee weapons have been rebalanced.
- Horses have been made faster and rebalanced.
- Characters can now crouch. The default key is 'z'.
- New troop orders for volley firing and line formations.
- Added new types of ranged ammunition, ex: piercing arrows.
- Pikes have two types of thrusting attacks.
- Reloading interrupted by being hit is now continued where it left off.
- Switching to pistols is now quicker whereas switching to muskets has been made slower.
- New grenade explosion/damage system.
- New tactics introduced via crouching pikemen/marksmen formations.

- New sounds and particle systems for firearm shots,bullet hits, and ricochets.
- Order menus redesigned.
- Female face textures retouched slightly.
- Motion blur effect has been removed from some weapons.
- All armors have female versions.
- Multiplayer Captain modes have received an overhaul; all new troops and troop purchasing system.
- New stat/behavior balances for musketeers and infantry.
- Network code improved.
Single Player:
- Added starting option to play the game with a female character.
- Battlefield AI enhanced and can give the new volley fire orders.
- New Village Elder Quests.
- New and more realistic Caravan Trading System.
- Economic balances to production and troops.
- Various balances made in the interest of fairness to starting characters.
- New balances to weapons and redone grenade rules/system.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed siege door abuse in some multiplayer maps.
- Fixed ladder placements in many maps.
- Navigation meshes in lots of maps fixed.
- Double barreled pistols' reload animation bug is fixed
- Grenade splash damage bugs fixed.
- Fixed typo in trade permit cost.
- Lots of fixes to problematic quests and npc behaviors/interactions.
- Various bug fixes.

Free download on link below:
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