PC GAME - The Witcher: Enhanced Edition

 The Witcher 

 The Witcher 

 The Witcher 

 The Witcher 

 The Witcher 

 The Witcher 

 The Witcher 

 The Witcher 

 The Witcher 

Minimum System Requirements 
o OS:Windows XP / Vista 
o Processor: AMD / Intel CPU 2.4 GHz / Core 
o Memory: 512 MB of RAM 
o Graphics: 3D-video adapter with memory 128 MB, compatible with DirectX 9.0c (GeForce 5500) 
o DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c compatible 
o Hard Drive: 2 GB of free hard disk space 
o Sound: Sound device compatible with DirectX 9.0c 

 The Witcher 
      400MB Links | Interchangeable Links

 The Witcher 

 The Witcher 

 The Witcher 

How to install Credit Goes To: naoisemac 
1) Download all 49 parts and extract zipped iso disc 1 + 2 from part1 (of 49 parts) rar file 
2) extract disc 1 and disc 2 into separate folders (from iso files disc 1 and disc 2 using an unzip program ex. winrar or winzip 
3) Copy disc 2 folder content into disc 1 folder 
4) say yes when it asks if you want to over write any files of same name 
5) Copy paste the cracked 'Witcher' file (8,91mb) from the 'Crack' folder on what originally was disc 2. 
6) Put it in to the 'System folder' - over-write the smaller 'witcher' file. 
7) run setup 
8) say abracadabra 

 The Witcher 

 The Witcher 


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