An in-game screenshot of Crysis, showing the game's volumetric lighting effects. The game's graphics are considered by many as some of the best in any videogame.
As with Crytek's previous game Far Cry, Crysis is an open-ended first-person shooter game with many ways to meet objectives.
The player controls a special forces soldier codenamed Nomad whose weapons can be customized without pausing the flow of time, for example changing firing modes, changing scopes or adding sound suppressors. The player is also capable of selecting various modes in Nomad's military prototype "Nano Suit" which draw power from the suit's energy. When the suit's energy is depleted, no modes can be used and the player is more vulnerable to damage before the suit recharges. One of four modes can be selected: Armor deflects damage and recharges the suit's energy faster; Strength allows stronger hand-to-hand combat, the ability to throw objects and enemies with deadly force, higher jumps, steadier aiming and reduced weapon recoil; Speed increases running and swimming speed, as well as other forms of motion; and Cloak renders Nomad almost completely invisible and suppresses movement noise.
The suit's integral mask has its own HUD, displaying typical data including a tactical map, health, current energy levels, and weapons information. The view is electronic in nature, shown in-game through things such as a booting readout and visual distortion during abnormal operation. A particularly useful utility is the binocular function, which allows the player to zoom in and electronically tag enemies and vehicles from afar, thereby tracking their movement on the tactical display.
The player can engage enemies in a variety of ways; using stealth or aggression, bullets or non-lethal tranquilizers, ranged rifles or short-range weaponry, and so on. Enemy soldiers employ tactical maneuvers and work as squads. AI soldiers will respond to noise caused by the player.[14] If the player has not been detected in the area, enemies will exhibit relaxed behaviour, but if aware of the player they will draw weapons and become combative.
The game features assault rifles, sub-machine guns, pistols, LAWs, shotguns, miniguns, sniper rifles, gauss rifles, an Alien energy-based mini-gun like weapon (MOAC and MOAR attachment), and the TAC gun (a micro nuclear missile launcher). Most weapons can be modified with attachments; these attachments may be given to the player by default, acquired from picked-up weapons, or purchased in multiplayer. Attachment options are given a fair amount of leeway even if the end result may seem strange. For instance, a 4x/10x sniper scope can be attached to the buckshot-firing shotgun. Additionally, most weapons have multiple firing modes (single/rapidfire) and different ammo types. Crysis also incorporates some features that have appeared in other recent shooters such as accounting for already-chambered rounds when a reload occurs.
A large selection of vehicles are present, with most being available to players for personal use. Available ground vehicles range from pickup trucks to tanks, while naval vessels range from motorboats to light military hovercraft, and a larger Patrol Boat available in custom made maps using the Sandbox editor. All vehicles (Humvees, pickup trucks, and even tanks) have a turbo mode that can be activated via the sprint key. The aircraft selection is limited to one North Korean attack helicopter and a fictional American VTOL aircraft, each of which can transport eight passengers and two crew. Crytek also included an Amphibious APC vehicle, a version of the IFV that can travel on water and land. The vehicle was only available for those who pre-ordered the game, however.
Damage modeling is limited in wheeled vehicles, most noticeably the ability to burst their tires. Tracked vehicles such as tanks or APCs have the ability to lose their tracks as well, but maintain their ability to operate via the wheels which would normally drive the tracks. Exposed gas cans on vehicles can also be shot at to detonate their contents, usually resulting in the vehicle exploding as well. Flaming wrecks will cause proximity heat damage to objects and characters. Of note is that a vehicle can still run even if all the tires are gone, slowly rolling along on its rims. Unavailable vehicles shown in-game include jet aircraft, excavator, forklift and for reasons of scale, destroyers. None of the alien machines can be commandeered by players either.
An overhead view of an early version of a multiplayer map in Crysis.
Up to 32 players are supported in each multiplayer match in Crysis. There are two different modes, each with six available maps: Instant Action, a deathmatch type mode; and Power Struggle, which are played by two opposing teams, each trying to destroy the other's headquarters.
Power Struggle features the American Delta Force soldiers fighting the North Korean Army; both sides, however, have nanosuits. All players begin armed with only a pistol and a basic nanosuit. You find weapons and vehicles throughout the map.
The aim of Power Struggle is to destroy the enemy headquarters, a task which is achieved using nuclear weapons in the form of a TAC Tank, a TAC launcher, or a Singularity Tank. To gain access to the nuclear weapons, you must first capture the facility which is used to make them, and then the alien crash sites which feed the facility the energy necessary to build them.
One must earn Prestige Points, attained by killing enemies and taking over Bunkers, Power Stations, and Factories, to create any of the aforementioned superweapons. Apart from the superweapons, other things able to be found are machine guns, pistols, a shotgun, a precision rifle, ammo, a rocket launcher, explosives, and a gauss rifle, a sniper type weapon able to kill another player in one shot.
The advanced weapons available for purchase from the Prototype Factory (aside from nuclear weapons) require 50% energy . Weapons that you can buy are the handheld minigun, the MOAC which has infinite amno and fires ice shards, and you can also buy the MOAR which is an upgrade that can be attached to the MOAC causing it to fire a beam that will instantly freeze all enemies and some vehicles.
Capture The Flag, originally planned to be included in the game, is no longer part of the game mode line up, due to its similarity to Power Struggle. Even so, Jack Mamais, a Crytek employee, stated that Crytek hopes that this mode will be developed by the modding community.[19] Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli also said that Team Action would not be included as a multiplayer mode, because players would gravitate towards either Instant Action, or Power Struggle.
The game begins in the year 2020 when North Korean forces led by General Kyong take control of the fictional Lingshan Islands. A group of American civilians led by Dr. Rosenthal send out a distress call indicating that they discovered something that could change the world. Nomad is a member of Raptor Team, a U.S. Army Special Forces unit that are sent to evacuate the civilians on the island. They perform a HALO jump onto one of the islands, but an unknown flying entity disrupts the jump and the team is separated. As they regroup, while fighting with the KPA, two members of the team are killed by an unknown entity and the team finds the hostages' boat frozen in the middle of the island. The first hostage the team rescues turns out to be a CIA spy who was monitoring Dr. Rosenthal's work. Nomad finds another hostage dead with ice shards in his back as the KPA battle the unknown entity. After Nomad regroups with Prophet, the unknown entity grabs Prophet and flies away.
A day/night cycle operates during the course of the single-player campaign
Nomad makes his way to Dr. Rosenthal who has found an artifact predating humanity by 2 million years that resembles the entity that has been attacking the team. The artifact then emits a massive negative temperature explosion that freezes Dr. Rosenthal. Nomad's Nanosuit is able to maintain his internal temperature.
The U.S. then begins an invasion of the island led by Major Strickland. As the U.S. forces continue to the main excavation site, the main mountain on the island begins to fall apart, revealing a two-kilometer high structure inside. Nomad enters the excavation site at the mountain's base, but is captured by Kyong's men and watches as Kyong kills one of the hostages and then detonates charges to open the structure. An energy pulse emanates from the structure and kills Kyong's men. Kyong then attacks Nomad in his own Nanosuit until Nomad kills him. As the mountain continues to collapse, a VTOL evacuates the last hostage, who is Dr. Rosenthal's daughter Helena, but is unable to rescue Nomad.
Nomad is trapped and decides to continue into the alien structure. It soon turns into a zero gravity environment. Nomad uses his hydro-thrusters to maneuver and he encounters hostile sentient aliens. He also sees an invasion force consisting of many Alien machines. Nomad finds an escape, but the alien structure creates a massive sphere of energy that freezes everything inside to -200°. Once outside, Nomad is attacked by various Alien machines before finding Prophet. Prophet was able to engineer a weapon using the aliens' technology. The two leave the ice sphere and rescue Helena, whose VTOL crashed. Prophet leaves with Helena on another VTOL. At the U.S. evacuation point, one of the last VTOLs rescues Nomad from an unstoppable four-legged alien machine, which kills Major Strickland. As they leave the island, the VTOL's pilot is killed and Nomad must fly back to the USS Constitution (CVN-80) carrier strike group.
Once there, he is debriefed by Rear Admiral Richard Morrison who explains that a nuclear strike has been ordered against the ice sphere. Helena warns him that the aliens might absorb the energy, but the admiral ignores her. Prophet flies a VTOL back to the island, even though the launch is ordered. Despite Prophet's return, the nuclear missile is launched at the ice sphere. The explosion causes the ice sphere to expand and prompts a massive alien counterattack.
Nomad is ordered to repair one of the carrier's damaged nuclear reactors. While he does this, Helena sends an experimental signal through Nomad's suit that causes several alien machines to overload on power. Psycho pilots a VTOL with Helena on board. As Nomad returns to the flight deck, Rear Admiral Morrison is killed and Nomad takes the prototype TAC-Cannon, which is essentially a nuclear grenade launcher. On the flight deck, Nomad fights a similar four-legged machine from before. A massive alien warship then appears and Helena manages to deactivate its shields by sending a signal through Nomad's Nanosuit. Nomad destroys it with the TAC-Cannon. Nomad jumps onto Psycho's VTOL as the warship crashes into the carrier and destroys it.
As the three leave, they learn that a U.S. Naval fleet from Japan is en route, but decide to return to the ice sphere. They then receive a transmission from Prophet, who is alive inside the ice sphere.
Minimum Requirements
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz (3.2 GHz for Vista), Intel Core 2.0 GHz (2.2
GHz for Vista), AMD Athlon 2800+ (3200+ for Vista) or better
RAM: 1GB (1.5GB on Windows Vista)
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT, ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (Radeon X800 Pro for Vista) or better
VRAM: 256MB of Graphics Memory
Storage: 12GB
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible
OS: Microsoft Windows XP or Vista
DirectX: DX9.0c or DX10
Recommended Requirements
CPU: Core 2 Duo/Athlon X2 or better
RAM: 1.5GB
Video Card: NVIDIA 7800 Series, ATI Radeon 1800 Series or better
VRAM: 512MB of Graphics Memory
Storage: 12GB
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible
OS: Microsoft Windows XP or Vista
DirectX: DX9.0c or DX10
MU or 7zip Password is j@ck or
1. Extract iso with Winrar or 7-Zip
2. Mount iso with daemon tools, alcohol 120, poweriso
3. Install the game
4. Play and Enjoy
MU or 7zip Password is j@ck or
1. Extract iso with Winrar or 7-Zip
2. Mount iso with daemon tools, alcohol 120, poweriso
3. Install the game
4. Play and Enjoy
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