Download K-Lite Codec Pack All Version Januari 2016 || Kalian kalau mutar film biasanya pake video player apa ??? Kalo Ane sih enakan pake MPC atau Media Player Classic. Sebenernya banyak sih Software buat mutar video itu. Tapi Ane lebih condong ke MPC. Kenapa ?? Soalnya tampilannya simple dan nggak ribet cara makenya. Fitur-fiturnya juga gak kalah sama pemutar video yang lain. Selain itu MPC juga bisa mutar banyak banget format video, seperti mp4, mkv, 3gp, terus mutar music pake MPC juga bisa. Mantep Lah... Apalagi ukuran filenya juga nggak terlalu besar.
Sedikit menjelaskan, disini ada 4 jenis K-Lite Codec Pack. Masing-masing mempunyai fitur yang berbeda. Tergantung mulai dari ukuran filenya, mulai dari yang terkecil hingga yang terbesar.
Berikut penjabaran singkat perbedaannya:
Small but extremely powerful!
Contains everything you need to play all popular audio and video file formats.
Supports playback of:
MP3, FLAC, M4A, AAC, OGG, 3GP, AMR, APE, MKA, Opus, Wavpack, Musepack
DVD and Blu-ray (after decryption)
and many more audio and video formats!
Provides lots of useful functionality, such as:
Subtitle display
Hardware accereration (DXVA2 / NVIDIA CUVID / Intel QuickSync)
Audio bitstreaming
Video thumbnails in Explorer
File association options
Broken codec detection
and much more!
Same as Basic, plus:
Media Player Classic Home Cinema (MPC-HC)
MadVR (an advanced and high quality video renderer)
MediaInfo Lite
This is the recommended variant for the average user.
Same as Standard, plus:
DC-Bass Source Mod (for OptimFrog/Tak/Tracker audio support)
DScaler5 MPEG-2 decoder (for DVD playback in WMP on Windows XP)
DXVA1 hardware acceleration (for Windows XP)
ffdshow audio/video processor
ffdshow audio/video decoder (as alternative choice for LAV decoders)
Haali Media Splitter (as alternative choice for LAV Splitter)
Same as Full, plus:
ACM and VFW codecs for video encoding/editing
AC3Filter (as alternative choice for LAV and ffdshow audio decoders)
Haali Matroska Muxer
Nah Itu semua versi-versi MPC yang ada. Jadi Kalian bisa download MPC sesuai dengan kebutuhan kalian.
Link Download
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