ROM Settings Backup Pro
You put really much time in setting up your StatusBar, NavigationBar, Lockscreen, Privacy, etc and want to make a clean flash of your personal ROM? No problem, just do a backup of all your settings and restore them after flashing.
This is ROM Settings Backup, a tool for saving your ROM settings and restoring them after flashing (similar) ROMs and/or wiping /data.
- Backup/restore profiles
- Backup/restore privacy guard settings
- Settings Manager (choose which settings should get restored)
- Configurable interval for backup scheduling
- No ads
How to Install
- Download The APK
- Move to SD CARD
- Install normally
- Done
NOTE: This app only works with AOSP ROMs!
ROM Settings Backup Pro [Google Play]ROM Settings Backup Pro v1.36 APK [1.7 MB] | Mirror
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