Safari Adventures

In Safari Adventures, explore the grasslands, mountains, and forests of Africa to help threatened animals across the continent! Park rangers will help you find and aid animals, but only you can rescue them from people whose only motivation is greed. Complete more than 90 missions and learn about the flora and fauna of each region. Meet animals including the lion, giraffe, elephant, monkey, and more. Safari Adventures is a beautiful, educational game for children who love animals and exploration!
This game requires Direct_X, Microsoft C++, Microsoft Net, install these apps first to get game working.

Game Size 300  MB


System Requirements
DirectX Version: 9.0c or above
Processor: Pentium 4 - 3.0 Ghz or better
RAM: 2GB XP, Vista
Operating System: Windows 7, Vista, and XP
Download Size: 511 MB

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